Wednesday 10 October 2007

"Prayer for Deliverance from Extinguishment"

"Prayer for Deliverance from Extinguishment"

Our Colonial Overlords… Whom art in Government
Shallow be thy name
Thy kingdoms done
Thy will shall not be done on earth
As it is not done… in heaven
What you give us this day is our daily Dread
You treat us like trespassers
But it is you who trespass against us
Lead us not into extinguishment
But deliver us from this evil…
For thine is the Government
The Power Without Glory…
Though never forever... … Amen.

© Alec Donald Wilson 2000
Free to circulate for non-profit, please do, Alec
Image: "Yarrabah community's Anglican members perform at Heathmont…"
Pic by? Source: web

1 comment:

Carol Omer said...

Alec passed away on October 5th 2011.....