I went to Sydney for a week, had a great time, saw lots of people and did lots of knitting and reading on the train ...Lenore and I walked round the Glebe foreshore to see Chez Ritz restored to its original glory...when we lived there in 1972 we paid $5 a week for this glorious mansion, without electricity but with wild graffiti and equally wild company. Blackwattle Bay was a great place to live, I learnt to play the flute on the rocks there while the massive old cargo ships glided by...the photo of me at 19 in the previous post was taken in the loungeroom at Chez Ritz - now known as Bellevue. We named it for the home of Ratso Rizzo in Midnight Cowboy (thanks to David George, our rr look-alike...)

Lenore's book launch was a massive success, Marie Bashir opened it and it all went off perfectly in the old Mosman methodist church which is now a community centre and gallery. Here are Lenore and her brother Leo with the governor and me and Nor and Angie Michaelis whom I haven't seen for years. We had fun reminiscing about the wacky tricks we used to get up to as 13 year-olds - I almost wanted to squeeze her back into being the funky little kid she once was ...we are all so staid now...

Now I am glad to be back home where the sun does indeed shine brighter and warmer and I have my wonderful gourmet woodstove loaded up with bloodwood to get me throught the chilly times. Sydney people don't seem to understand the need for heating.

My new career as Treasurer of the Co-op has just begun. Not that it is much of a position - last time I had anything to do with the treasury it was a massive job - now I share it with someone else who makes all the payments out and I just have to chase up money owing and bank it when it comes in - AND there's a book-keeper. Piece of cake really. So I will have the time and energy perhaps to get some more exciting projects happening. Tuntable shop has almost faded away which means we have lost our community hub ... However, Tribal Meetings are well-attended and the beautiful school

had a fantastic winter solstice event and ritual which was so affirming and heartwarming - it is wonderful to know that the school continues so strong and creative after almost 30 years. Here are the little kids class, Ember on recorder.
...and our gorgeous Tara ...