I went bushwalking up in the hills behind Mullumbimby last Sunday and happily danced up the creek rocks - until! I put my weight on a log which rolled, and the effort of keeping myself from falling in the crevass below wrenched my knee rather painfully. Not enough to keep me from walking then.... ..it was a great bushwalk - climbing up a rainforest creek bed to the most magical cave by a waterfall

- some hippies had been up there looking for crystals in the side creeks down below and they have left these big quartz crystals in all the niches and ledges in the cave - just for an extra bit of magic. The waterfall is quite high, just out in the bush on the other side of the mountains here - there must be many more the same as I remember years ago stumbling across one quite by accident ... Anyway it was a lovely day and my knee coped until we got back to the road when it promptly swelled up and refused to work any more .

I drove back to Nimbin in excruciating agony and called Hannah and Tara who were just lovely and took me to the hospital where one of the lovely male nurses gave me some wonderful painkillers and some crutches! Even had visitors - Heidi and Aunty Agnes who is parked there in the old people's wing and not very happy about it. And now I am back home in bed and doing my readings for my course in applied anthropology and native title - it's a great opportunity to begin study again. But it has kept me in the slow lane for a while. Been starting to hop around again today, we have a great wwoofa, Kory, who has been doing lots of gardening work.
(thanks to Rog for rainforest photos)
Before the bushwalking I did a 5-day retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest monastery which has been at Tullera for three years now - they do regular retreats and it was very healing and good discipline to encourage me to become more mindful (and meditate more often. Their website is http://www.buddhanet.com.au and it is very worth checking out.

It's been great to be at home and to have Hannah here, always lots of fun and she has been looking after me really well all week.

This house does well to have a few people in it, it's been great to have an excellent hotwater system after all these years and its pretty comfortable now. Sunny and Daimon enjoyed it too and it was lovely to spend time with them here.