It's the year of the blog! xxxxxxxxxxxx Meg
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papunya nimbin rainforest permaculture communities news from home
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This is the view from my front door, there is an abundance of fences and wire structures to obstruct just about every view. Today being the weekend means I got to sleep in and ignore the little yellow honeyeaters that chirrup loudly outside my window, though the fly was hard to ignore and finally got me up. The birds are great company though and because there are a few trees, only little but good enough, they are always here. One good thing about this house. There is also a great view beyond all the mesh of the fences and it is somehow very quiet at night - I can't hear all the dogs barking and kids shrieking all around the back of this place because of the design of the house. Bloody great! I get to sleep! Which is better than any other house I have had out here. The noisiest neighbors are the young folk who have come to do holiday programs with the kids but they are fun and they won't be here long. The bad things about this house are the aircon that doesn't work and the dark kitchen. But it's OK.
Weekends are a good time to ring me! I have a very groovy new phone bought from gotalk which gives me 25 cent untimed national calls so I might ring you first. i still get a bit lonely at times but have adjusted a lot from when i first arrived out here nearly a year ago. Now I have to start saving money, all that stuffing around from mr nasty and waiting to get back here means that I have not really made any money yet
although I have had fun, paid for a few plane trips and bought a few things.
For photos of Tara's fashion, take a look at my new photo site (click on meg's flickr photo gallery) - I will also put up more photos there from Papunya soon.
My pet gave me a big fright when I went to pick up the washing pile this morning but she's very docile and amazing to look at. Her name is Mingarri. She is pregnant too so we might see babies soon, after the eggs are laid and hatched. I can give them to the kids. She has found a friend in my bedroom already ... see the photo ...I often find her there!
This is Caroline with the thorny devil we found on the way home which is now my pet.
Sun! Now the rain has gone and the sun is glaring down again, only not quite so hot as it was and there's lot more moisture in the air. And as usual, a big wind to blow it all away. The dear little frogs who have been singing with glee all night in the rain will retreat to wherever they go (where do they go?) and eventually the vast puddles will all dry up till the next rain. Everything is so green, the buffel grass (a weed) stretches as green as kikuyu in every direction. The feral animals will be especially happy as it was imported here just for them.
Meanwhile the kids enjoy the water, everyone is taking them down to the nearest creek (40 k) where we went yesterday, sneaking off in the aged care car on the pretext of getting firewood. When we arrived there were three 4WD'S on each side of the creek and several blokes and kids in the creek putting sticks up to check for the best place to cross. A couple of cars went across and then the police arrived - with a motor boat for our entertainment. They had fun and we went home as the sun began to emerge. There will be heaps of kids wanting to go down for their last swim today so I better go and get the car keys from Willy and Sharon though it feels
mean and I may not do it. My car has a new battery but it's still playing hard to start so I don't know if I should take people down tho it would be fun - might leave it today and go to Ulumbarra for a swim tomorrow instead - that's only about twenty k away and it is so beautiful
although the road is maybe too wet and too rough for my bus ...maybe I better travel in convoy with Matt, the kids co-ordinator.
Football is a passion out here and this old tank across the road from the Police Station bears witness to the many fans out here who have never yet seen them play - except on TV. Austar is very popular and especially for the football channel...